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When evaluating the impact of our curriculum we return to the key words in our mission statement.  Our curriculum offer is built on supporting children and families with a strong pastoral focus.  All Saints children belong to a school family where the ethos of care and nurture offer security and trust.  Children who have strong sense of well-being are better equipped to achieve personal academic success.  The curriculum is designed to harness children's natural curiosity, inspire individual creativity and develop positive attitudes to find joy in every task they are presented with.  


The curriculum develops children's cultural capital by embracing the diversity of our school community and celebrating our connections through the city of Coventry.  We are proud Coventrians!

The curriculum has three drivers and subjects are grouped accordingly. 


The subjects are taught through topics which are linked to the cultural heritage of the children.  Teachers look for opportunities to develop children to feel their thoughts and opinions are valued.  We want everyone to be courageous advocates.  Our summer term's topics are 'Champions of Change' where each year group looks to the worldwide environment and studies empower children to understand issues across the globe and consider what change might need to happen to build a stronger future.     


 subjects are taught in blocks.  This has proved successful in allowing children to immerse themselves in the learning and skills are built quickly and consolidated over a short period of time.  Children are given time to develop skills and apply them in creative tasks and projects.  


 subjects are taught in weekly lessons.  Whilst developing skills and knowledge in each individual subject, the nature of the lessons also provide great opportunities to celebrate values in action.  Specialist teachers in PE and Music enhance the curriculum offer and provide support to teachers.   

To find out more about the curriculum in each year group you can chat to your child's class teacher.


Throughout the year we will be holding information evenings about different areas of the curriculum.  Please check out the diary for 'Warm Hub Events'.  If there is a particular subject area you are interested in please let us know below.


Curriculum Information Evenings

Please let us know if there is an area of the curriculum you would like to find out more about. We love sharing our work and our children's achievements!
