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At All Saints we are committed to developing personal and social skills within our pupils to prepare them to take care of their own wellbeing through life and make a positive contribution to their communities.

To support us we follow the JIGSAW curriculum.  Weekly lessons explore personal, health and well-being education though a mindfulness approach.  From 2020 all primary schools were required to teach children about relationships and sex.  Our approach is covered within the JIGSAW scheme.


“It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality, and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual activity – this would be inappropriate teaching.” (Department for Education and Employment, SRE Guidance, 2000)


In addition to the weekly lessons, we also complete annual lessons based on the 'Protective Behaviours' scheme of work.  These lessons teach children how to be safe and safeguard themselves.  They explore safe and unsafe secrets, ensure they know how to build their own supportive networks and develop greater confidence to understand the feelings they might have and what to do when they feel early warning signs.


Our ASPIRE pastoral team is always available to provide small group or one to one sessions.  Everyone experiences upsets in life and the ASPIRE practitioners are there to help guide both children and families in need.  The 'Lodge' building hosts opportunities for nurture either through creative arts and games in the 'Nest' or Forest school and outdoor sessions in the 'Dell'.
