Music and performance are a key element of our values curriculum. We want our children to grow into self-assured young people who are confident enough to have a go at new experiences. Central to our music curriculum are the opportunities to perform at different venues and events. The schedule below demonstrates the different opportunities children have to perform.
Family Assembly- Parents are invited to join the school as they watch their child’s class present worship. An element of each worship is music.
Performance- Each term closes with a grand performance. The stage and lights are unpacked and parents and carers are invited to come to the ticketed performances. Children perform three times. A dress rehearsal to the school followed by and afternoon and evening performance to guests! Where possible Years 5 & 6 take their show to a larger venue for a one off extravaganza. Blue Coat have kindly helped us over the past few years.
Musicality Showcase- Each term the school gets together to share music learnt during music lessons and watch routines filmed during Ricky dance sessions!
Coventry Music Service Cantata- This is an opportunity for children to join in a music festival with other schools across Coventry. The venues are grand and parents and carers are invited to an evening performance.
In addition to the curriculum schedule above, children have the opportunity to join Mrs Monnington’s school choir. They practise each week and regularly perform at different events across the city. Parents can also pay for children to learn instruments. Violin lessons are held in school on a weekly basis. Rock Steady teach children as a band. Children can play keyboard, guitar or drums or they might become the band’s vocalist. Each term parents come to school to hear the bands play in our own Rock Steady festival.
Music is taught by specialist practitioners. All lessons have a practical approach and children are active learners. The EYFS builds an appreciation of music and develop their listening skills. Children understand emotions through music and can identify if music is happy, scary, sad etc. They are given the opportunity to choose instruments and accompany different pieces of music experimenting with tempo and dynamics. In KS1, teachers lead weekly music sessions using Sparkyard to support them. In KS2 Coventry Music Service lead weekly lessons and children explore a wide variety of instruments.
Learning is built around 5 our core principles of music development
M- Musicality U-Understanding S- Singing I-Instrument C-Creative Composition