The All Saints computing curriculum is designed to develop children's practical skills which they can access and use in their daily lives. By teaching children the skills required to use Google docs, teachers can then confidently plan for children to access these resources to produce digital outcomes across the curriculum. As Google docs are internet based, children can continue their use outside the classroom. Scratch is a high level block based visual programming language and website targeted primarily at children aged 8-16 as an educational tool for coding. It is freely available allowing children to use this software to develop projects at home and at school. The curriculum also introduces children to written programming language. The Turtle academy website uses the Logo programming language and is also available for children to access outside of the classroom.
To enhance children's understanding of computing in everyday lives and link to science and technology work, children use physical programming resources; Crumble and microbit. 3D modelling and website design also strengthen children's understanding of computing in innovation and design.