School Meals
Winter/Spring Menu - November 2024 to April 2025
NHS Healthier Lunchbox Tips and Recipes
Meal times are very important at All Saints. We like to make dinnertime a time for children to socialise with friends and feel nurtured by our caring lunchtime team. Our in-house catering team works with teachers to help children understand about different food and healthy meals. Throughout the year we plan several fun lunch themes linking with festivals, events or the school curriculum.
We use a colour coded system for children taking school meals – red, green or blue. Children order their meal choice with their class teacher in the morning according to it’s corresponding colour code. There is a vegetarian option available every day. Please help your child choose their meals at home from the menus provided.
Our menus run on 2 week cycle. School meals are ordered in advance so to avoid waste or unnecessary charges for meals not taken it would be really helpful if you provide the school office with a minimum of one week’s notice if you wish to change your child’s school meal pattern from hot dinners to packed lunches.
All our menus comply with the School Food Standards and are labelled with the allergens for the whole meal.
Packed Lunches
As an alternative to hot meals, your child may wish to bring a packed lunch from home. We encourage healthy eating, please avoid too many sweet treats make sure they contain no fizzy drinks or sweets. Please bear in mind that we are unable to heat food from home or refrigerate lunch boxes. All lunchboxes clearly labelled with your child's name.
Dinner Money
We work hard to keep costs to parents low. From September 2024 school dinners will cost £11.25 per week (£2.25 per day) from September 2023. Dinner money should always be paid in advance on Monday mornings. Please ensure dinner money is either paid through 'My Child At School' (MCAS) or sent to school in a securely sealed envelope clearly marked ‘DINNERS’ with your child’s name, class and total amount. If you are paying by cheque please make it payable to All Saints Church of England Primary School.
School dinners for Nursery children are charged at £1.85 per day (£9.25 per week).
Is my child eligible for free school meals?
All children in Reception to Year 2 automatically receive a free school meal. However, if your family also meets the eligibility criteria to enable a free school meal to be awarded, it is important to make an application in order that your child's school can receive this pupil premium.
For further information about Free School Meals and to make an application visit: