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School Clubs

At All Saints we offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for children to access. 

Letters will be sent home with club details and a reply slip for parents to complete, giving permission for their child to attend the club. Places are limited in all clubs, so if your child is not successful, they will be placed on a waiting list.

Clubs run from 3.20pm to 4.10pm with the exception of Miss Braithwaite's sports clubs which run from 3.20pm to 4.20pm.  

*Please note there are no clubs in the first week of each half term and the last week of each term.


Autumn Term 2024 - From Week Beginning 10th September 2024





KS2 Art Club

Miss Pomfrett

3.20pm - 4.10pm


Y1 & Y2 P.E. Club GROUP 1

From 11th Sept to 15th Oct

Miss Braithwaite

3.20pm - 4.20pm

KS1 Forest School Club

Mrs Flaherty and Mrs


3.20pm - 4.10pm

Y4/Y5/Y6 Dance Club

From 13th Sept to 14th Nov

Miss Braithwaite

3.20pm - 4.20pm

KS1 Homework Club

Mrs Siers

3.20pm - 4.10pm


Y1 & Y2 P.E. Club GROUP 2

From 22nd Oct to 3rd Dec

Miss Braithwaite

3.20pm - 4.20pm

Y3 & Y4 Dance Club

From 12th Sept to 13th Nov

Miss Braithwaite 

3.20pm - 4.20pm


KS2 Homework Club

Mrs Krohn

3.20pm - 4.10pm




KS1 Reading Club

Mrs McCauley

3.20pm - 4.10pm




