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Year 5

Year 5 Team

Teachers: Mrs Judge & Mrs Kattady

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss Pomfrett


Start time: 8.40am

Register Closes: 8.50am (Any child arriving after 8.50am will be marked as late)

Finish time: 3.20pm

Further information on the school day can be found here:


PE Day: Wednesday


Mrs Judge and Mrs Kattady work together to lead learning in Year 5.  This is an important year as children mature as learners and develop a deeper skill set.  The All Saints creative curriculum creates a framework for children to make meaningful links between different aspects of learning.  Year 5 provides children opportunities to take additional roles and responsibilities to contribute to our school community.  Our highly successful Junior PCSO program teaches children to become role models for our younger children sharing messages of British values.  This year, the children asked to create their own leadership team.  The Loose Parts Play monitors look after playtime equipment and help children play safely and co-operatively.  The Chicken Care team, ensure our school pets are well looked after.  They also run the Egg shop developing children's business spirit and entrepreneurial skills. 
